Today's date:

Summer 2007



Turkish Crisis: The Biggest Test Since 9/11

The Two Souls of Turkey

The Limits of Democracy, or "Seizure of the State From Within" Ali Bayramoglu
The Two Souls of Turkey Orhan Pamuk
Autocracy vs. Democracy Yusuf Muftuoglu
Turkey's Admission to Europe Would Defeat Jihadists Joschka Fischer
Don't Disarm Secularism Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Turkey: Not About Islamic vs. Western Values Amartya Sen
A Union of Civilizations RECEP Tayyip Erdogan
Turkey Is No Model for Muslims Mohamad Mahathir
The Third Wave: Muslim Migration to Europe Bernard Lewis

As The World Turns

The Truth About the French Model: The Rest of the World Is Jealous Jacques Attali
Sarkozy Has Half of What France Needs Anthony Giddens
Free Elections in Pakistan Will Defeat Taliban Benazir Bhutto
Bush's Follies and Democracy in Iran Shirin Ebadi and Muhammad Sahimi

Literary Reflections

Has Materialism Conquered All? Nadine Gordimer
Remembrance of Things Built Alain De Botton
Iran Is My Demolished Homeland Goli Taraghi
Democracy Has Nearly Disappeared in Russia Tatiana Tolstaya

Frontiers of the New Century

Muscular Environmentalism: Green Without Guilt Arnold Schwarzenegger
Don't Make the Poor Pay for Reducing Global Warming Paul Wolfowitz
Recycle CO2 Like Plants George Olah


A Brief History of the Future Jacques Attali